
For Video:

Improve your “look”. Add just a few economical ‘tunable’ white LED fixtures to your room lighting for improved quality streaming or go with a full coverage light plot for multiple camera angles, and top-quality recording/streaming.

Add a sense of depth and definition to your video, better color rendering - Keep your viewer’s attention.
Controls: From basic ‘on-off’ to simple (or complex) programmable dimming & color control.

Lighting For Theater/Performing Arts / Concerts (add color!):

Draw and hold focus to the primary subject
Color mixing LED fixtures to give virtually every color imaginable, plus ‘tunable’ whites.
‘Outdoor’ sunlit day scenes to moonlit nights.
‘Indoor’ office scenes to candlelight.
saturated colors to pastels to bright whites all from a single fixture.
From- Basic Up-Lit walls for ‘atmosphere’
To- A fully Immersive Environment that blurs the stage/audience divide. Let your audience/congregation ‘feel’ the emotion that lighting can bring off the stage and into the seats.
Or- Somewhere in between- give a sense of ‘cozy’ // make larger spaces feel more welcoming/comforting.


From- Basic manual controls
Programmed pre-sets
To- Full cue list automation & moving lights


Pre-sets & deeper Programming
Lighting theory & techniques CLICK HERE