
Projector / Screen or Video Display:

LED displays for small conference rooms, Zoom meetings, or ‘Kid’s Church DVDs.’
Larger displays for mid-size gatherings, confidence monitoring.
Mobile carts/stands or permanent install.
Small to Large format HD projection- mid-size to massive, and anything in between.
Portable, fixed, manual or powered projection screens.

Switching / Cameras / Distribution:

What is your next level? Are you looking to:

Add an additional camera? Two? Remote control (pan, tilt, zoom) or live camera operator.
Send video to the nursery/overflow room/meeting rooms / front lobby or welcome desk
Switching & Distribution: making sense of multiple inputs & outputs
Inputs: cameras / pre-recorded file playback / lyrics & graphic files / live internet feed.
Outputs: send to alternate rooms / live stream / record / scroll announcements

Operation & Training:

We will work with your media staff from day one to ensure we understand your needs, wants, and capabilities.
Design the hardware integration to be fully compatible with your present (and/or future) software.
Provide ‘best practice’ camera operation and switching techniques for optimal results from even a modest set-up.